Do 12-Step Programs Really Work in a Drug and Alcohol Rehab?

Twelve-step recovery programs like Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous have been a part of drug and alcohol rehab curriculums for as long as they’ve been around. In fact, AA, the original 12-step program, got its start right here in Ohio and was almost immediately put into practice in the halls of Towns Hospital in NYC, which served as an alcohol detox center at the time. 

However, some people question where twelve-step programs fit into the treatment protocols in a 21st-century addiction treatment center in Ohio. That’s a fair question to ask, and we’re going to answer it for you in this article. 

Why Do I Need Meetings in an Addiction Treatment Center?

We get this question from time to time. Some people have the idea that drug and alcohol rehabs in Ohio, like Redemption Recovery, are here to “cure” their addiction so they can return home. They figure that ‘meeting stuff’ is for when you get out of treatment, not while you’re there.

There Is No Cure for Addiction—But There Is Hope

All of that is a bit of a misconception, though. The first thing you should know is that we cannot cure your addiction or alcoholism here. No one can. No matter what you’re addicted to, be it opioids, alcohol, or meth —- addiction is a chronic illness. That means it sticks around. We don’t have a way to cure addiction as of yet. But don’t let that discourage you. 

How We Can Help You Start a Sober Life

What we can (and will) do while you’re at our addiction treatment center is help you put down drugs and drinking. We will educate you about the nature of addiction so you can better understand why you did what you did. 

But the most important thing we can do for you or your loved one while they’re here is to prepare them for life after rehab because that’s where recovery is really put to the test. 

Addiction treatment isn’t just about getting off of drugs and booze. It’s about staying off—-and the truth is that requires some deep, personal changes in the way you think, act, and how you live your life. One of the ways to initiate those changes is by working a 12-step program. 

OK, But How Are Meetings Going to Help Me Stay Sober?

Going to AA or NA meetings while you’re in a drug and alcohol rehab, or graduated from one isn’t what this is all about, believe it or not. Remember, it’s called a 12-step program. That’s because working the steps is the program. The meetings just introduce you to the program and help you find fellowship and support. 

That’s not to say meetings aren’t important—they definitely are. In fact, one of the first things you will hear people who have relapsed say is, “First, I stopped going to meetings…”. So, the meetings matter. But it is actually working all twelve of the steps with a sponsor that helps produce those personal changes we were just talking about a few paragraphs ago. 

The truth is that meetings alone probably won’t keep you sober, but actually working the 12-steps gives you much better odds of success. The 12-step model, when followed as intended, is an evidence-based solution for addiction, proven by research

How the 12-Step Programs Help People Maintain Sobriety

Many people mistakenly believe that 12-step programs are about going to meetings and venting about all your problems so you feel better. That’s only a very small part of it, and if that’s all you ever do, you might stay sober—-but you aren’t actively working a program of recovery. When you meet someone who tells you they tried AA or NA and it “didn’t work” for them, the first thing you should ask them is “Did you work the steps with a sponsor? All 12 of them?”.

The real purpose of 12-step programs like AA and NA is transformation. The idea is that we become trapped in addiction in large part due to flawed thinking and negative coping mechanisms that lead to flawed behavior. 

Working the 12-step process can help completely change how you see yourself and others. Done properly, this process helps you become a better person. You learn to find fulfillment in things other than self-gratification with drugs or alcohol. You learn to process pain and trauma and let go of resentments so you no longer need to self-medicate. 

What About Alternatives to 12-Step Programs?

Some people have an aversion to AA and NA for whatever reason. They may bristle at the mention of a “higher power” or “God,” although the programs are designed to accommodate agnostics. Other people may have known someone who participated in AA or NA and was unable to stay sober or didn’t follow the principles of recovery.

That’s OK. While we encourage everyone to give AA or NA a try, we also understand that some people may want to explore other options. 

Some alternatives to AA and NA include:

  • Refuge Recovery: A recovery program based upon Buddhist philosophy.
  • SMART Recovery: Focuses on self-empowerment and evidence-based methods like CBT.
  • LifeRing Secular Recovery: Emphasizes personal responsibility and peer support.
  • Women for Sobriety (WFS): A women-only program promoting female empowerment.
  • Secular Organizations for Sobriety (SOS): A non-religious, self-help group.

The most important thing to understand is that recovery is a lifelong process. Addiction cannot be “cured” with a 30 or 90-day program or a magic pill. It requires a transformation in the way you think, feel, and act. Any solution that offers you anything less than that is incomplete at best. 

Redemption Recovery for a New Way of Living

At Redemption Recovery, we are dedicated to helping Ohioans achieve and maintain sobriety. Our straightforward, evidence-based addiction treatment program provides all the necessary tools and support for you or your loved one to reach their full potential.

No matter how severe you think the addiction has become, and even if you or your loved one has attended rehab multiple times, it’s never too late to recover. The only step to start is picking up the phone and following some basic instructions. We won’t sugarcoat it—recovery is challenging. But it’s a straightforward process accessible to anyone determined to do the work and not give up.

One call can change it all.

It’s time for Redemption:  (419) 528-8007
Find out what addiction treatment your insurance will cover here.

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