How One Ohio Drug Treatment Center is Elevating Data-Driven Addiction Treatment

Addiction treatment in Ohio and the rest of the U.S. has undergone a lot of change in the last few decades. Before the late 1940s, treatment for alcoholism or addiction was almost non-existent, and the standard view was to blame the person with addiction for lacking willpower or discipline.

Today, the best addiction treatment facilities in Ohio and elsewhere deliver highly personalized dual-diagnosis care that better meets patients’ needs. But how did we get from A to B? What have we learned from addiction research that has led to better, more effective treatment for substance use disorders?

This Redemption Recovery article explains how our Ohio rehab relies on research data to develop evidence-based treatment plans for better outcomes and more long-term sobriety.

What is Evidence-Based Addiction Treatment?

In a nutshell, evidence-based addiction treatment is substance abuse treatment that is developed based on scientific research and studies. But it goes deeper than that. A drug and alcohol treatment center that uses an evidence-based approach also pays close attention to trends within its own patient population. 

Where Addiction Data Comes From

Peer-reviewed addiction studies supported by the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) within the NIH and other organizations carry a lot of weight with us at Redemption Recovery. However, we also rely heavily on our first-hand experience. Our program is constantly evolving. This continuous improvement is careful and deliberate, but as our Ohio rehab grows and we introduce new services and therapeutic approaches, we pay close attention to results. 

Results are Everything in Substance Use Disorder Treatment

When it comes to addiction treatment, results are everything. We strive to provide the most solid foundation possible for long-term recovery to every person we treat. We understand that it could be a matter of life or death for many. When we see that an approach is working well with a particular type of patient, we do more than just make a note of it. We investigate why it is so effective and what other applications it might have. We look for ways to make it work even better.  

Evidence-based addiction treatment is built on observable facts and focused on results that transform lives and even save them. 

Examples of Evidence-Based Addiction Treatment

Of course, there are too many evidence-based addiction treatment practices to list them all —-but we’ve highlighted some of the more prominent examples. These should give you a good understanding of what evidence-based addiction care is, what it does, and why Redemption Recovery uses this treatment model.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Addiction

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT, is one example of an evidence-based modality we use at Redemption Recovery. CBT is a type of talk therapy that helps people identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors. It’s especially helpful for people with substance use disorders because addiction originates in the mind. CBT helps recovering people find their misconceptions, unravel resentments and cognitive distortions and counteract 

Data supporting the efficacy of CBT for treating addiction:

Introduction to 12-Step Recovery Programs

Would it surprise you to hear that 12-step recovery programs like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) are considered effective, evidence-based solutions for addiction? Well, it’s true. Numerous studies into AA and NA have shown that people who join fellowships are substantially more likely to stay sober and drug-free longer. This is why we introduce people to a program of recovery as another tool to help them continue their growth after treatment here.

Evidence of 12-Step effectiveness in treating addiction:

Strengths-Based Therapy for Substance Use Disorders

One of the unique, evidence-based modalities you will find at our Ohio addiction recovery center is strengths-based therapy. This mode of mental health treatment works well for people living with addiction, in part because it is empowering. People with addiction often feel defeated, lack self-esteem, and imagine there is little they can do for themselves. Strengths-based therapy turns that notion on its head and gives the power to change back to the patient. 

Support for the efficacy of strengths-based therapy in addiction treatment:

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT)

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT)is a very effective mental health therapy approach for people with addiction because it turns their attention toward solutions to problems rather than wallowing in the problem. Have you ever heard the old adage, “Focus on the problem,and the problem gets bigger. Focus on the solution, and the solution gets bigger”? Well, SFBT puts that idea into practice in a talk therapy setting, and it really works to help people with substance use disorders get over obstacles and make progress. It’s also a great complement to strengths-based therapy. 

Support for the efficacy of solution-focused brief therapy in addiction treatment:

Redemption Recovery: Evidence-Based Addiction Treatment

Redemption Recovery uses an inspired blend of scientifically proven addiction treatment methods and practical life lessons. We do more than simply help people put drugs and alcohol down. We give people powerful tools for sober living and help them develop the courage to put them to use. 

Our innovative dual-diagnosis treatment makes us unique among Ohio addiction treatment centers. No matter how far you think you or your loved one has fallen, it’s never too late to turn it around with the right help.  All it takes is a phone call. Make it today! 

One call can change it all.

It’s time for Redemption:  (419) 528-8007
Find out what addiction treatment your insurance will cover here.

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