What’s Being Done About Alcoholism and Binge Drinking in Ohio Universities?

With all the media attention on the opioid epidemic and fentanyl overdoses, we don’t seem to hear as much about alcohol abuse in Ohio colleges as we used to. But don’t mistake that for a sign that the problem has resolved itself, far from it. Luckily, there is help available when drinking becomes a problem

This Redemption Recovery article takes a hard look at alcohol addiction and high-risk drinking by students in Ohio universities and what can be done about it. 

Alcohol Addiction and Binge Drinking in Ohio Colleges and Universities

While it’s true that there is a slow, downward trend in the amount of alcohol consumed by young people nationally —- alcohol addiction continues to be a big problem in Ohio’s universities and colleges. Binge drinking and high-risk drinking remain a major reason for 911 calls and emergency room visits. 

Efforts to clamp down on fraternity and sorority initiation rites involving alcohol have been effective, but it seems that much of the problem drinking has just moved deeper underground and behind closed doors. Ohio’s institutions of higher learning aren’t just sitting still, of course. They are making notable efforts to educate students about the risks of alcohol abuse—-but is it enough?

College Student Alcohol Abuse Statistics 

  • According to the NIAAA, about 55% of full-time college students aged 18 to 22 reported drinking alcohol in the past month, with approximately 37% engaging in binge drinking.
  • Almost 2,000 college students die every year from alcohol-related injuries, including motor vehicle accidents. 
  • An estimated 696,000 college students between 18-24 have been physically assaulted by another student who has been drinking (physical fights)
  • Per the NIAAA, more than 96,000 students aged 18-24 have reported alcohol-related sexual assault or date rape. 

The Troubling Connection Between Alcohol Abuse and Sexual Assault at Ohio Universities

While Ohio University and other schools have made some commendable efforts to educate and protect the student body about the risks —- sexual assaults at Ohio universities continue to be a concern. Sexual assaults and alcohol abuse on college campuses in Ohio may seem like two separate issues, but they are unquestionably intertwined. 

Sexual assaults are an unfortunate reality on college campuses today and have been for some time. Alcohol is frequently connected to them for a variety of reasons. Alcohol misuse is common on college campuses. 

Alcohol lowers inhibitions and can lead people to behave in ways they wouldn’t normally (this is still NO excuse for sexual assault). Alcohol also incapacitates people. This can make it hard, if not impossible, to resist a sexual assault. Finally, alcohol can affect memory, and people may try to take advantage of this or imagine it will allow them to get away with assault. 

College Sexual Assault Stats for Ohio and the U.S. as a Whole

  • The number of reported rapes at Ohio State University has risen steadily: 72 in 2017, 93 in 2018, 118 in 2019, and 134 in 2020.
  • Approximately 13.7% of undergraduate women have been victims of at least one completed sexual assault since entering college.
  • About 7.8% of women were sexually assaulted when under the influence drugs or alcohol, and 0.6% were assaulted after being given a drug without their knowledge.
  • 1 in 5 women and 1 in 16 men report being sexually assaulted while in college.
  • It is believed that as much as 95% of rapes on college campuses go unreported

How Ohio is Flipping the Script on Alcohol Abuse and High-Risk Drinking by College Students

Whether you’re a parent of an Ohio college student or you’re a student at one of Ohio’s universities yourself, this issue is bound to be a cause for concern. So, what’s being done to resolve it and is it enough?

For their part, Ohio’s universities have stepped up efforts to both inform and protect their student from the risks of alcohol abuse and addiction. Ohio University even has a collegiate recovery community called ‘Recovery to Inspire, Share and Empower’ (RISE). The catch, of course, is that many college students don’t find recovery until alcohol is already a problent for them.

We think awareness of alcohol abuse is being raised on Ohio’s university campuses, but there’s still a lot more that could be done. For right now, we’d give them a grade of B-. The biggest concern is that more isn’t being done to prevent high-risk drinking and alcoholism from happening in the first place. 

What More Can Ohio Do To Protect Its College Students From Alcohol Abuse?

This is a big question. Ultimately, we all have free will, and college is a time of experimentation for many, if not most, people. The truth is that most college students in Ohio are able to drink relatively responsibly and not develop an addiction to alcohol. That said, we think this conversation should begin at home.

If you have a child who is in college in Ohio or is about to begin—-have a heart-to-heart with them about alcohol abuse and responsible drinking. Even if you feel confident in their judgment, you have nothing to lose by broaching the subject one more time. 

It’s not just the “bad kids” who land in the hospital with alcohol poisoning or get into deadly DWI accidents. Plenty of “good kids” with high GPAs have made these mistakes, too. Don’t assume that your kid knows better. Have the talk. 

How You Can Protect the College Student You Love from Alcohol Abuse

  1. Don’t Be Afraid to Talk About It: You may need to have this conversation more than once. Don’t avoid it if it’s uncomfortable or because you think it’s unnecessary. Better safe than sorry.
  2. Don’t Just Talk—Listen: Your son or daughter may be trying to tell you something. Make them feel safe in telling you the truth without fear. Be a good listener. 
  3. Ask Questions: You don’t have to be pushy or super-nosy, but if something doesn’t feel right to you, if their grades are down, they’re dropping out of sports they once loved, or anything else seems ‘off,’ ask them about it. 
  4. Don’t Ignore The Signs of Alcohol Addiction: If your loved one is showing signs that they may be binge drinking or have a problem with alcohol in any way—do not ignore it. Don’t chalk it up to youthful exuberance or “kids having fun.” Take it seriously. Offer them help. Call us at (419) 528-8007 for advice on talking to them. 

Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorders at Redemption Recovery

Alcohol abuse and high-risk drinking remain a serious problem for Ohio’s college students. In a perfect world, everyone would either drink responsibly or not at all.  Redemption Recovery is built for the world we live in, though, where alcohol addiction is a reality. The good news is that alcohol addiction is a problem with a solution. We’d be happy to talk to you about the solution to alcoholism anytime. Just reach out to us. We’re here to help! 

One phone call can change your world. 
It’s time for Redemption:  (419) 528-8007

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